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wp_enqueue_script and its uses in WordPress

In WordPress, wp_enqueue_script is a function used to include a stylesheet or script to a page

A script can consist of javascript, jquery, or even a customized one

In this post, you will find how to add CSS in the header using this function

parameters of wp_enqueue_script

And also, a variable that can include a script in the page footer

Furthermore, there are various examples that show the implementation of the WordPress enqueueing function

How to use wp_enqueue_script Fuction

You can enqueue a script by using a given function by adding a new function in the functions.php file

When the function is added, add_action will be responsible for executing your new function

This goes together with an addition of the wp_enqueue_scripts hook in add_action’s first argument

Let’s assume you have a script named mycustomjs.js

To add the script to your page, you should write the function like this

function iEnqueueNewScript () {

wp_enqueue_script( "myNewScript", get_template_directory_uri().'/js/mycustomjs.js');


add_action ('wp_enqueue_scripts' , 'iEnqueueNewScript');

From the snippet above, the enqueue function is passing two values

In reality, the function can take up to five parameters values

What are the parameters of wp_enqueue_script

There are five variables accepted by a function

These variables enable the script to appear with extra features like a location (head or footer)

These parameters include

  1. $handle
  2. $src
  3. $deps
  4. $ver
  5. $in_footer

$handle acts like an identifier of the added script

The name is always unique that differentiates itself from other enqueued CSS or js files

If you check the previous example the value of the $handle parameter is “myNewScript”

myNewScript should not repeat again when a wp_enqueue_script add another script

$src variable specifies the path of the stylesheet in a WordPress directory

For example, if you have saved a script in a folder named “customcss” and the file is hosted locally

Then, a complete URL of the script will be  “http:localhost/customcss/mycustomscript.css”

$deps stands for dependencies

It is an array variable that points out the registered scripts in which an enqueued depends on

Let’s assume  you create a javascript that is going to use jquery objects and react.js

To add them, you should create an array that contains handles for jquery and react.js

$ver is a string variable that specifies a version of the enqueued script

This variable can be a boolean.

The default boolean value is false, which makes a system to set the version number to a current one

In case you don’t want the version number to appear, set $ver to a null

$in_footer in most cases the tag head holds all stylesheets and scripts tag

But it is wp_enqueue_script can set a script inside a <body> tag when $in_footer is set to true

$in_footer is a fifth parameter which is a boolean for specifying the tag location of the script to enqueue

wp_enqueue_script usages examples

Here are examples of how to usewp_enqueue_script when you want to include a new script

These examples instruct how to include a js in the footer and header

But also, the proper way to specify the version number

wp_enqueue_script in header

add_action ('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'addJavascriptCodes' );

function addJavascriptCodes () {

wp_enqueue_script ('anaotherJShandle', 'http://your-domain.com/js/myCustomScript.js');


wp_enqueue_script in footer and version number

function script_in_footer () {

wp_enqueue_script ('infooterScript',get_template_direcotry_uri().'/js/infooter.js','2.0',true);


add_action ('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'script_in_footer' );

Add dependencies

function script_with_dependencies() {

wp_enqueue_script ('withDependencies', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/deps.js', array('jquery','scrps','react'))


add_action ('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'script_with_dependencies' );

How does it relate to wp_scripts?

The actual function of wp_enqueue_script is available in the file functions.wp-scripts.php

The function uses wp_scripts to call the add() function from the class WP_Scripts

You may look here all code lines of enqueueing function 

But also, wp_scripts is responsible to enqueue the value of $handle

This is done by invoking enqueue() function which passes a string that represents the handle