In this post, you will find how to create dynamic pagination that is formed during the search. A blog with many contents may return many posts for specific search keywords. Populating all search results on a single displaying page may harm search speed. This is avoidable if dynamic pagination is added to the search results page and archive. The pagination […]
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This post involves various numeric pagination styles in WordPress. The tricks shown in this post create pagination with numbers. And also, the numeric pagination will include some dots at the pagination center. The purpose is to reduce the page numbers. To create numeric pagination, create a function in the function.php in which the paginate_links function outputs page numbers. The function […]
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It is ideal to add pagination on the homepage to maintain a fast page loading speed. Populating all posts on the landing page increases the loading time. The loading time contributes to a higher bounce rate. The bounce rate reduces the number of blog visitors. To solve the issue a pagination feature should be the part of the homepage. In […]
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In this post, you will find a step-by-step process that will retrieve the user profile image URL in WordPress. The common way to get the image uses the get_avatar function. The function itself returns an HTML IMG tag which makes it hard to customize. But having a profile picture link enables to set the user’s image as a background picture. […]
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In WordPress, there are six basics user capabilities and roles. When the blog has many authors(users) it becomes a challenge to reveal the roles of a user. Although, it is possible to get an author role in a very simple way. WordPress can provide user’s information by a get_userdata function. It is a function that has an object which is […]
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