Do you want to add the bootstrap input group classes to the WordPress comment form? It is not possible to customize the comment field directly using comment_form. But this post has a solution to implement WordPress comment_form function with bootstrap 4 or 4.5. In short. To customize the WordPress comments field in bootstrap 4, create a comments.php file. then create […]
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Have you been asking yourself what are the differences between the_excerpt and get_the_excerpt?
The functions give the same result but they can also give different outputs.
This depends on how you call each function
So, reading this post will give the ability to know when to call the_excerpt and get_the_excerpt
Let us get started!
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Find the tips about how the_title is different from get_the_title
The differences will help to undestand when to use either of the function
You will be able to know how to modify the post title using the_title parameters
And also, you will find how get_the_title can retrieve the title of the parent post
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Do you know home_url and site_url are strictly different?
I guess you know, but why do they return the same home page?
This post gives a reason why the two functions return the same site url
In fact, you will find the key difference of home_url vs site_url and the proper time to use one of the functions
Read the full post for more details.
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When you edit the child theme or standard theme, you will see stylesheet links tags that came with a theme. Always a standard theme retrieves the stylesheet by wp_head function. And so, the same function is able to include your own custom stylesheet. In fact, you can add CSS to wp_head. Hence wp_head in the child theme will add your […]
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