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How to add css to wp_head

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webapps Lab
October 20, 2020

wordpress function add stylesheet

When you edit the child theme or standard theme, you will see stylesheet links tags that came with a theme.

Always a standard theme retrieves the stylesheet by wp_head function.

And so, the same function is able to include your own custom stylesheet.

In fact, you can add CSS to wp_head. Hence wp_head in the child theme will add your own stylesheet in the pages and blog categories.

To add CSS to wp_head, define a new function in functions.php, in the new function call wp_enqueue_style() and pass two arguments in the wp_enqueue_style. The two arguments are the name of the CSS file and the path of the stylesheet file.

Therefore, you will need a series of WordPress functions to add the stylesheet. These WordPress functions are

  • wp_enqueue_style
  • get_stylesheet_uri
  • add_action

Add the custom CSS using wp_enqueue_style.

wp_enqueue_style function enqueues the custom css, I found this is very useful to avoid the repeating of the stylesheet.

To add custom css using wp_enqueue_style requires to pass parameters, which are two strings for a style name and the path of the CSS file.

In order to load a custom stylesheet.

open functions.php file.

Create a new function, I name the function as add_custom_stylesheet.

1.function add_custom_stylesheet()


Call wp_enqueue_style, and pass two arguments in this function.

The first argument is the stylesheet name like ‘the-style-name’ and the URI of the CSS file.

You need to use get_template_directory_uri() to retrieve the current theme directories.

Then append the stylesheet name to the function.

3.wp_enqueue_style("the-style-name",get_template_directory_uri(). '/'. 'mycustom-stylesheet.css');


Call add_action hook to include CSS to wp_head

5.add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', ' add_custom_stylesheet');

These few lines of codes will output the stylesheet link tag using the wp_head function.

But these lines add only one CSS file although it is possible to customize add_custom_stylesheet to include many stylesheets at once.

If you want to know how to do it, check out the next section.

Adding Multiple CSS files to wp_head

Imagine you have created at least two CSS files that serve different purposes.

You may want to include them to wp_head, aren’t you?

To add multiple CSS files in the WordPress theme, create a new function in the functions.php file.

In this example, my function name is multiple-css-file

1.function multiple-css-file()


Call wp_enqueue_style and pass the string parameters of the stylesheet name and CSS path.

Write wp_enqueue_style multiple times, depending on the number of CSS you want to add, like this.

4.wp_enqueue_style("the-style-name-1",get_template_directory_uri(). '/'. 'mycustom-stylesheet-1.css');

5.wp_enqueue_style("the-style-name-2",get_template_directory_uri(). '/'. 'mycustom-stylesheet-2.css');

5.wp_enqueue_style("the-style-name-3",get_template_directory_uri(). '/'. 'mycustom-stylesheet-3.css');

6.wp_enqueue_style("the-style-name-4",get_template_directory_uri(). '/'. 'mycustom-stylesheet-4.css');


8.add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', ' multiple-css-file');

When you reload the page, you will see all the CSS files you have added.

Add CSS to a specific page to wp_head.

WordPress provides the capability to load different CSS for different pages.

You need to use conditional statements in functions.php. The conditional statement tests the is_page function.

The scenario happens when you want different designs for different pages.

To add CSS to a specific page or category in WordPress, write the following codes in functions.php

1.function  css-for-specific-page(){


3.wp_enqueue_style("about-page",get_template_directory_uri(). '/'. 'about-page.css');

4.}//close if statement 

5.}//close a function

6.add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'css-for-specific-page');

In fact, there are few steps to follow to add a CSS file to a specific page.

These are steps I followed to write the code for adding different css files to different pages.

Create a function in the functions.php

I named this function css-for-specific-page.

Including the stylesheet using WordPress functions, it is the most proper way.

That is what I have learned from the answers of StackOverflow for the questions relating to this issue.

Although, a CSS file can be added directly by writing a stylesheet link tag in the page.php file.

But the recommendation for best practice is to enqueue the stylesheet by wp_enqueue_style.

Now, here it is the actual function.

1.function  css-for-specific-page(){


Specify a page to add a CSS file.

This form a second line where you will write a conditional statement that checks a page or a category to add the stylesheet.

A conditional statement will check is_page() function.

is_page() function, as it was described in the WordPress developer website, determine the query for a specific single page.

The function receives an argument which you will use to define a single page to include the stylesheet.

The parameter can be a page name, page id, an array of page id, or an array of page names.

This is a required conditional statement to name a specific page to add a stylesheet.


After checking the page, then . . ,

Include a CSS file using wp_enqueue_style

After specifying the page that you want to add the stylesheet, the next line will add the actual CSS file.

This file will be enqueued by wp_enqueue_style.

The wp_enqueue_style will receive two parameters.

For this case, pass a string for the stylesheet name as the first parameter and stylesheet path as a second parameter,

This is how to do it.

3.wp_enqueue_style("about-page",get_template_directory_uri(). '/'. 'about-page.css');

4.}//close if statement 

5.}//close a function

After that,

Execute the function by calling the add_action hook

To add the function to the wp_head, use the add_action function.

To properly execute add_action for the css-for-specific-page, pass two strings.

  1. The action hook to add the script ie  wp_enqueue_scipts
  2. The name of the function to be executed ie css-for-specific-page

The actual code is

6.add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'css-for-specific-page');

Alternative of wp_head to add the CSS file

Instead of adding the CSS styles to wp_head, you can add them to the header.php file directly.

With header.php, you can include the CSS for

  • specific page
  • all blog pages

For example, if you want to specify a page that you want to add its own CSS, you will write the conditional statements which check the is_page function.


Write a stylesheet link tag you want as the following codes explain.


1.<?php if(is_page('contact')){

2.echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style1.css">';

3.}else if(is_page('about')){

4.echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style2.css">';



But, I don’t like to include the CSS files in the WordPress theme files when editing a theme developed by someone else.

I always use the wp_enqueue_style function to avoid CSS files duplication.


To add CSS stylesheet to wp_head can be achieved by creating a function which enqueues stylesheet in the functions.php.

The function adds the stylesheet to wp_head using the wp_enqueues_style, with wp_enqueue_style you can add multiple stylesheets and a stylesheet to the specific page.