Create Wordpress Theme From Scratch! Build Your Own

How to add JavaScript to WordPress in the functions.php

webapps log

webapps Lab
January 25, 2021

You know, when you add javascript improperly in WordPress can cause massive problems to your page

The reason is, WordPress has got its own procedure to properly include the script

This guide features some example of how to add javascript by creating a function in functions.php file

In short, you need to read this post to add javascript in WordPress that works accordingly

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How to get page slug name in WordPress

webapps log

webapps Lab
January 12, 2021

If you have ever used a global variable $post, you may have noticed its properties can retrieve a variety of WordPress data. The $post property post_name can fetch a post slug. I have tested it in one of the themes I’m developing. The variable gives a page title with words separated by a dash. Hence, this is a simple guide […]

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