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WordPress function to get the post titles

webapps log

webapps Lab
September 29, 2020

get_the_excerpt vs the_excerpt

This post shows two WordPress functions to get the post titles

The two functions are similar in some ways but they provide great and distinct features

Understanding how each function works will enable you to manipulate blog post titles in many ways

Get the deep insight on how each function manages to retrieve the blog post title

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How to Use wp_nav_menu to Add Class to ul, a(anchor tag) and li

webapps log

webapps Lab
September 8, 2020

Hey WordPress theme Developer, are you tired seeing navigation items coming with WordPress CSS classes?

Here, you will find step by step guides for adding a custom CSS class to ul, li, and a with wp_nav_menu

It is a very simple trick giving you the freedom to add a class to any navigation elements

In fact, you will see the full codes in the article

Dive in to add class to li, ul and a

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